Roadmap Series #3:.

19 Sep 2023, 12:32
Roadmap Series #3: WINR Labs is on the verge of launching, a revolutionary decentralized and gamified 1000x perpetual dex designed specifically for crypto degen who live on the edge. This groundbreaking platform is built on the WINR Protocol. Following the highly successful launch of JustBet, @JustBetOfficial , which generated over $62 million in volume and shared more than $430,000 in revenue with token holders in just four months, the introduction of the second platform on the protocol will serve as an additional revenue stream. makes use of: - WINR Gaming SDK - WINR Liquidity Pool for market-making - WINR reward mechanism with jackpot-like vWINR rewards - WINR Account Abstraction stack (both JustBet and will share the same accounts and balances!) The risk parameters for WLP have been simulated over a million times, providing a distinct advantage for the market-making liquidity pool. This was a crucial step in providing a fast-paced on-chain 1000x perpetual contract. Traditional open and close fees are impractical given the leverage involved. Get ready for the leverage games! Coming soon on Arbitrum mainnet and WINR Protocol. Coming up next: WINR revolutionizes iGaming with a decentralized backend.